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Catamount Singers
MUS 175/375 - Spring Semester 2016
Tuesday and Thursday, 12:30-1:45 PM, Coulter 357 (Choir Room)
Friday, 3:35-4:25, Breese Gym

Instructor: Dr. Bruce H. Frazier, Coulter 254, Office hours posted, and by appointment
* 828-227-2400 * Email address: bfrazier@email.wcu.eduDr. Frazier's Home Page  http://paws.wcu.edu/bfrazier.

What is this group all about?
The Catamount Singers is a small, select, auditioned group that showcases the talents of the School of Music and represents the university in public performance on and off campus.  The ensemble performs a wide variety of choral literature in various styles including popular music and jazz as well as other traditional choir repertoire.  As a part of its mission, the group will tour as a recruitment team giving performances for area schools.  A tour is scheduled most semesters.  The group meets occasionally in the fall and may perform on tour jointly with the Concert Choir.  In the spring, the ensemble teams with a small instrumental ensemble (Electric Soul) to present programs to schools and churches across the state and the region.  In keeping with appropriate styles of the music, staging and movement are incorporated into the performances with the assistance of a choreographer. Participants must demonstrate an aptitude and willingness for this type of physical movement.  Although not a traditional show choir, the experience is beneficial for future teachers who are interested in this aspect of choral music.

What is expected of me ?
Attendance and participation are important and demonstrate a positive attitude about your craft.  Professional behavior and cooperation with movement partners and members of small groups is essential for successful performances.  The effectiveness of this ensemble is dependent on sharing our talents with one another for the common good of the group. This requires a commitment to the success of the ensemble and striving for excellence in performance.   If you are absent, the entire group suffers.  If you anticipate an absent for any reason, including field trips and tours, please let me know in writing preferably through e-mail.  Particpation is expected at all rehearsals. Vocal rest during rehearsal is sometimes needed. A note from your applied teacher or health care professional is appreciated. Students on vocal rest are expected to be actively engaged in the rehearsal following along in the music and movement routines. Since class participation is a graded area, all absences will affect your grade.  For every two unexcused absences your final grade will be lowered by a full letter grade. (For more information about attendance refer to the WCU Undergraduate Catalog.)  Punctuality is a courtesy.  It also represents a professional attitude about your work.  It is important for your voice to be warmed up and this makes the first portion of the rehearsal important to your vocal and physical health.  Please be on time.

Participation in performance and tours outside the regular class session is required.  There is a tentative schedule below.

What materials will I need?
Bring a pencil and your music to every rehearsal, even if you have the music memorized.
Proper attire for concerts and other public performances. An outfit allowing for movement is designed for most performances. Tuxedoes and black dresses (formal attire) are required for special formal concerts.  Women not participating in Concert Choir will coordinate with the director of that ensemble to secure a matching dress.  Catamount shirts with khaki or black trousers (or other designated casual outfits) are used for informal and summer programs. Polished black shoes and black socks are required for men and closed toe black shoes for women.

The CourseEval web evaluation links will be active near the end of the semester. Please take advantage of this opportunity to give us your feedback on the class.

Accommodations for Students with Disabilities:
Western Carolina University is committed to providing equal educational opportunities for students with documented disabilities.  Students who require disability services or reasonable accommodations must identify themselves as having a disability and provide current diagnostic documentation to Disability Services.  All information is confidential.  Please contact Disability Services for more information at (828) 227-2716, lalexis@wcu.edu or 144 Killian Annex.

Academic Honesty Policy:
Western Carolina University, a community of scholarship, is also a community of honor. Faculty, staff, administrators, and students work together to achieve the highest standards of honesty and integrity. Academic dishonesty is a serious offense at WCU because it threatens the quality of scholarship and defrauds those who depend on knowledge and integrity. Academic dishonesty includes the following:
A. Cheating. Intentionally using or attempting to use unauthorized materials, information, or study aids in any academic exercise.
B. Fabrication. Intentional falsification or invention of information or citation in an academic exercise.
C. Plagiarism. Intentionally or knowingly representing the words or ideas of someone else as one’s own in an academic exercise.
D. Facilitation of Academic Dishonesty. Intentionally or knowingly helping or attempting to help someone else to commit an act of academic dishonesty, such as knowingly allowing another to copy information during an examination or other academic exercise.
For specific information on procedures for cases involving allegations of academic dishonesty, see relevant sections in the Student Handbook.

Grading System

A = 93-100
A- = 90-92
B+ = 88, 89
B = 82-87
B-  = 80, 81
C+ =78, 79
C = 72-77
C- = 70, 71
D+ = 68, 69
D = 62-67
D- = 60, 61
F = below 60
(For more information refer to the WCU Undergraduate Catalog.)

Grading Elements
Participation 10%
Preparation 10%
Daily Attendance 30%
Performances 50%

Grading Rubric

A - Outstanding
B - Good
C - Acceptable
 D - Poor
F - Unacceptable
0-2 absences. 
Effective preparation.  Focused attention during rehearsals. Professional behavior. 
3-4 absences. 
Demonstrates a cooperative spirit and is well prepared.
5-6 absences. 
Adequate preparation.
7-8 absences. 
Weak preparation. Habitual tardiness. Disruptive in rehearsal. 
More than 8 absences. 
Poor preparation.  Missed performances. Unprofessional behavior. 

Performance and Rehearsal Schedule (subject to change):
Recruitment Concerts to local schools (TBA): Smoky Mountain High School, Tuscola High School, Franklin High School, Asheville High School, AC Reynolds High School.
* UC Lawn Performance: March/April, details TBA
* Spring Concert: Thrusday, April 21 (open dress for students) and Friday, April 22, BAC, 7:30 PM.
--- Setup and rehearsals Monday through Wednesday, April 18-20, 7-10pm.
* Tour Rehearsal (Final Exam time): Thursday, May 5, 3-5:30p, Band room or recording studio
* Spring Tour: hold May 9-14. Details TBA.

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