ET 449
                      3D Machining: Simple Mold
                            LABORATORY 7
Purpose:  This exercise will cover the basic procedures for 3D machining using OneCNC.   A simple 3D mold cavity will be created, and
the required tool path for 3D machining will be generated.  Due to the length of time required for machining, only a simulation will be run for verification.

Objectives:  After completing this exercise you should be able to perform the following:

1. Created a 3D model for a simple mold cavity
2. Edit the file for delineating required geometry
3. Set the coordinate system for 3D Machining
4. Select the geometry for roughing and finishing
5. Specify tooling information required
6. Modify cut control as necessary
7. Generate a tool path for the part specified
8. Post process tool path for a HAAS mill
9. Save the file as a PLAIN ASCII format
10. Run a graphic simulation for the 3D machining tool path.


1.  Complete the following OneCNC tutorial for producing a simple mold.
2.  Run a simulation to verify the tool path
3.  Have your instructor sign of for verification that the exercise was completed
4.  Write a lab report using the standard format. (Note only submit the first page of the actual code!)