MUS 190

Study Guide for Midterm Exam


Readings: You are responsible for chapters 1-5, and chapter 7 from the text,

all in-class readings as well as all article postings on my website.



Chapter 1 - Introduction

The concerns of art: Creativity, Aesthetic Communication, Symbols, Fine and Applied Art


The purposes and functions of art: Enjoyment, Political and Social Commentary, Therapy, Artifact


Style in the arts: the personality of an artwork. Be prepared to contrast and compare styles in various disciplines, much like the painting example offered in the text p. 14-18.



Chapter 2 – Pictures


What is it? How is it put together?


Medium – be familiar with the examples of dry media vs. liquid media

Photography – be familiar with documentary photography and photographic techniques

Composition in Visual Art – Line, form, color, hue, value, intensity, mass, texture.

Principles of Composition – Repetition (Rhythm, Harmony, Variation); Balance (Symmetry, Asymmetry); Unity, Focal Area, Types of Perspective, Content, Chiaroscuro


How does it stimulate the senses?


Contrasts, dynamics, tromp l’oeil, juxtaposition, objectivity




Chapter 3 – Sculpture


How is it put together?


Dimensionality – Full round, relief, linear

Methods of execution – subtraction, construction, substitution, manipulation


Negative space, ephemeral art, importance of lighting and environment





Chapter 4 – Music


What is it? Know the12 forms listed in the text


How is it put together? Sound (pitch, dynamics, tone color, duration); rhythm, melody, harmony (consonance/dissonance), tonality, texture, form


How does it stimulate? Primal responses, and the impact of the performance itself, p.109



Chapter 5 – Theatre


What is it? Know the five genres discussed in the text


How is it put together? Script, plot (what are the elements that make up the plot?),

character, protagonist, themes, Visual elements, (p.128-134), aural elements, lifelikeness



Chapter 7 - Dance


What is it? Know the five genres listed in the text.


How is it put together? Formalized movement, line, form, repetition, rhythm, mime and pantomime, theme, image, storyline, music, mise-en-scene, lighting


How does it stimulate our senses? Movement, force, sign language, color






Review the basic analysis outline at the end of each chapter.

Review the articles online

Use an example from each discipline to help you study by applying the terms in a practical manner, as opposed to just memorizing.